
This is a timeline of our great clubs history dating all the way back before the club was established in 1891 when Darlington Foot Harriers hunting in packs for hare. Hopefully these pre pages give you a feel of how the club came about and some of the key people who got our club going. These pages should provide you with a good understanding of how we have grown over the years and showcase many fantastic athletes, coaches, volunteers and people at our club over the years that we have to this very day. This site is to capture specific moments of history, newspaper clippings, key moments or achievements.

Any information which is incorrect including dates or if you have additional information that can be added to the site please contact us through the clubs contact us pages, all information would be gratefully received to ensure we are providing the most accurate picture of the club.

Current race reports (predominately 2015 onwards) can be found on our website. Thank you for reading and for being a part of our clubs history and future.

Cool Timeline