
This is a timeline of our great clubs history dating all the way back before the club was established in 1891 when Darlington Foot Harriers hunting in packs for hare. Hopefully these pre pages give you a feel of how the club came about and some of the key people who got our club going. These pages should provide you with a good understanding of how we have grown over the years and showcase many fantastic athletes, coaches, volunteers and people at our club over the years that we have to this very day. This site is to capture specific moments of history, newspaper clippings, key moments or achievements.

Any information which is incorrect including dates or if you have additional information that can be added to the site please contact us through the clubs contact us pages, all information would be gratefully received to ensure we are providing the most accurate picture of the club.

Current race reports (predominately 2015 onwards) can be found on our website. Thank you for reading and for being a part of our clubs history and future.

Cool Timeline

Warcop Hunt, Field – Saturday 28 January 1888
Warcop Hunt, Field – Saturday 28 January 1888


The Hunt, Sporting Gazette – Saturday 16 March 1889
The Hunt, Sporting Gazette – Saturday 16 March 1889


End of Season, Field – Saturday 06 April 1889
End of Season, Field – Saturday 06 April 1889


A Popular Master, Northern Echo – Saturday 27 April 1889
A Popular Master, Northern Echo – Saturday 27 April 1889

BL_0000087_18890427_013_0003.pdf Also covered in the Newcastle Daily Chronicle – Saturday 27 April 1889

Presentation to Tom Watson, Yorkshire Evening Press – Saturday 30 November 1889
Presentation to Tom Watson, Yorkshire Evening Press – Saturday 30 November 1889

BL_0000632_18891130_077_0004.pdf referenced in Hartlepool Northern Daily Mail – Saturday 30 November 1889 and covered in North Star (Darlington) – Saturday 30 November 1889 (below) BL_0003631_18891130_004_0004.pdf

Club Formation

Thomas ‘Tom’ Henry Mountford 1861-1939 and his brother Charles Mountford 1864 -1931 were co-founders of the Harriers with Robert Eden. Both brothers were very keen sportsman throughout their lives. As well as athletics in their younger days they both played for Darlington Rugby Club, Charles also played cricket for Darlington and was actively involved in this club too becoming club president. Thomas was also a member of Darlington Cycling Club and he even did a bit of boxing too!  The original Harriers which hunted with a pack of beagles were disbanded in 1889 when the pack were sold.  When the…
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West Hartlepool Invitation to Inter Club Run, Northern Guardian (Hartlepool) – Wednesday 10 February 1892
West Hartlepool Invitation to Inter Club Run, Northern Guardian (Hartlepool) – Wednesday 10 February 1892

BL_0003039_18920210_066_0004.pdf Story also covered in Hartlepool Northern Daily Mail – Wednesday 10 February 1892

Early Drawing of the club, 1892, Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News – Saturday 20 February 1892
Early Drawing of the club, 1892, Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News – Saturday 20 February 1892

Copy of this can be found at Eastbourne Complex with the clubs History artefacts